Goodbye 2020: An Artist’s Reflection

Goodbye 2020: An Artist’s Reflection

As the year comes to a close, I’m wont to reflect upon the highs and lows of the year. I’m sure so many are doing the same all over the world.

For me, the year has been an emotional rollercoaster. I bet you can relate. It was getting to a point where it was effecting my health, so I was put on an anti-anxiety medication. Which, has taken the edge off. You may be thinking I’m oversharing and I might be, but if you are going through some things, just know you aren’t alone. It’s been a tough year for a lot of people and it’s okay to seek help. You don’t have to shoulder the burden alone.

That said, there’s been a bunch of good too! People coming together (but staying apart, if that makes sense), people trying to help others stay calm or find peace and comfort, artists trying their level best to make a positive difference. Myself included!

Earlier this year, right after the pandemic hit, I decided to create a project with other artists, all while in lockdown/quarantine. I came up with the Artists Give Love Project. We each created a painting of a message we wanted to convey to our communities and the world. I did “Give Love”, but there was also “Give Kindness”, “Give Thanks”, “Give Hope”, and more. In the end, we created a video challenging others to give messages and then ultimately, our pieces were hung in an exhibit at the Farr Best Theater in Mansfield Texas. The project was even featured in an Art News article circulated online for Texas artists to read and be a part of.

I’m proud that I could curate such a fine endeavor with a group of highly talented artists with kind, beautiful souls. And from that project grew friendships and strong art connections. I love my arty friends!

Project Artists Give Love (Top left by Sang Ratu Adil, Bottom left by Heidi Tournoux-Hanshaw, Top middle by Heather Schroeder Harbaugh, Middle by me, Misty Lemons/Designs By Misty Blue, Bottom middle by Keerthana Naresh/Kiki.artful, Top right by Dallas Williams Art & Bottom right by Wendy-Wayne Caldwell/Artsundefined By Wendy Moniqué)
My Painting, “Give Love”

During quarantine, I wanted to help artists keep busy during an extremely difficult time and create hope for others who were struggling. To combat anxiety, I drew a lot and I do mean A LOT! My iPad was a constant and welcome companion. Each illustration was meant to shine a light into the darkness, not only for others, but for myself. I’m so thankful I had such an outlet for my thoughts and emotions. And it is my deepest hope that I was able to help others.

This illustration was inspired by the senseless, heartbreaking murder of Elijah McClain. Please, if you don’t know about it, Google it. His family still needs justice. You can also go to their Justice For Elijah page on Instagram.

People are trying to find some sense of normalcy and comfort during these exceedingly difficult times and so people are trying to move on. That said, art/music festivals are trying to find ways to be safe and create opportunities for artists to work. Mansfield had Music Alley this year and though it was less capacity and people had to wear masks, it was a success. I didn’t have a booth set up, but my art was present. I entered into the art contest and the photography contest. I won first place in the photography contest. I actually cried when I found out. It meant so much to me, after the year I’ve had. It was a bucket list item of mine, to win a photography contest. Before I started Designs By Misty Blue, I did photography with Misty Expressions Photography, a hobby that I loved for many years. So photography holds a very special place in my heart.

My Photo That Won First Place In Mansfield’s Music Alley Photo Contest

When I took the photo, we were still in quarantine basically, the tail end of it really. I found out about a huge sunflower field about an hour from our home. It was a welcomed outing for my family. When we got to the field, it was breathtaking! I was so excited that I didn’t look where I was stepping and evidently I trounced through an anthill. I still have the scars on my ankle where they tore into me. But getting this image and especially winning first place made it worth it.

So yeah, it’s been tough. Tougher than most years. But there’s been so much good too. I feel closer to my husband and son. I’ve gained some pretty amazing art friends, and so much passionate art has come from these trying times. I’m counting my blessings, for sure. Keep hope alive. That’s the least we can do. G*d bless and here’s to better days! Cheers!

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Copyrights to ALL images displayed here on this blog are the sole property to Misty Lemons of Designs By Misty Blue and Misty Expressions Photography. Do Not Copy Or Distribute Without Permission Or Credit. Permission must be approved first. The same goes for any quotes from my blog. All thoughts expressed are opinions and not subject to legal action, as such. Thank you.

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